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AR-15 Mag Holder
AK47 / AR-10 Mag Holder
Pistol Mag Holder
Attach your Magazine Organizers/ AR-15 Magazine Dispenser to your Steel Safe in one of 2 ways:
Neodymium Magnet Kit
Mag Holder Attachment Kit
Mag Holder Attachment Kit 2-Pack
Dividers 4 Pack
Dividers 8 Pack
Dividers 12 Pack
AR-15 Mag Bag - Black
AR-15 Magazine Dispenser
Stick N Go Bag - Black
AR-15 Mag Bag - Tan
Stick N Go Bag - Tan
What our Buyers Say...
"Your racks are great! They are my favorite way to store magazines and are very versatile. Not only have I used them for the recommended mags, I have also found that they will work for may mags that are not listed. In the pistol versions I have stored, Colt SMG mags, B&T mags, Sten mags, and other assorted 9mm smg type mags. The AR racks work great for MP5 curved mags, and 10/22 25 and 30 round mags. Other similar sized mags (GSG22) also fit quite nicely. The AK racks have held every type of AK mag that I have tried to put in them, Bulgarian, Tapco, IMI, etc. Thanks for the great product."
Zach H
Springfield, MO
"Concerning your AR-15 Mag Holders, here at the 19th Special Forces Group, we deploy continuously around the world to combat terrorism. We needed a product that could be used in a load out room that was easy to install and also gave access to ammo in the event QFG is needed. Magstoragesolutions makes a great product!"
Mike 19th SFG(A)
"It’s very difficult to discount either the pistol storage racks or the ar15 racks. After a little thought and time they both worked better than expected without a doubt the best solution I have seen or used. Followed up with excellent personal touch of class from Pat. Outstanding service with a great line of products."
Meelin S
"If your safe seems messy, you have mags taking up valuable shelf space and you can't put much of anything else in it without pushing stuff further into the uncharted space of the back of your safe - or worse yet, you feel like you dont have all thay much inside but it's still unorganized, it's time you seek help..."
Read complete review
Shane S